Example of output
Beginning of the input file
CE-Solver v0.1, Sep 2008, Martin Hruby, FIT BUT, hrubym@fit.vutbr.cz
Loading a game of 8 players with: 9 1 10 10 10 1 10 3 strategies
Game loaded
CorrSolver: creating profiles
270000 LP-variables empty/non-empty 0/270000 profiles
Generating player 0, 9 strategies
Generating player 2, 10 strategies
Generating player 3, 10 strategies
Generating player 4, 10 strategies
G-matrix 4 0 9: Generating player 5, 1 strategies
Generating player 6, 10 strategies
Generating player 1, 1 strategies
Generating player 7, 3 strategies
G-matrix 0 0 8: G-matrix 2 0 9: G-matrix 6 0 9: G-matrix 7 0 2: G-matrix 3 0 9: | 0 27000 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 8: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 7: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 6: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 5: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 4: | 0 27000 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 8: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 3: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 7: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 2: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 6: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 0 1: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 5: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 2 1 9: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 4: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 3: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 2: | 0 25992 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 8: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 0 1: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 7: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 6 1 9: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 6: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 5: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 4: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 3: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 2: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 0 1: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 3 1 9: | 0 24318 [0]
G-matrix 4 0 8: | 0 0 [0]
G-matrix 4 0 7: | 28131 0 [0]
G-matrix 0 0 7: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 0 6: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 0 5: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 0 4: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 0 3: | 0 21816 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 8: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 0 2: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 7: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 0 1: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 6: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 1 9: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 5: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 4: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 3: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 2: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 1 0: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 2 2 9: | 0 19899 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 8: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 7: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 6: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 5: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 4: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 3: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 2: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 1 0: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 6 2 9: | 0 16468 [28131]
G-matrix 4 1 8: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 1 7: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 1 6: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 1 5: | 0 0 [28131]
G-matrix 4 5 7: G-matrix 3 5 9: | 0 0 [58033]
G-matrix 2 5 7: | 0 0 [58033]
G-matrix 4 5 6: | 0 0 [58033]
G-matrix 2 5 6: | 0 0 [58033]
G-matrix 4 5 4: | 0 444 [58033]
G-matrix 0 1 7: | 4996 0 [58033]
G-matrix 7 2 0: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 2 5 4: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 4 5 3: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 0 1 6: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 4 5 2: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 2 5 3: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 4 5 1: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 0 1 5: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 2 5 2: | 0 0 [63029]
G-matrix 4 5 0: | 2560 0 [63029]
| 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 0 1 4: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 4 6 9: | 0 576 [65589]
G-matrix 3 5 8: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 2 5 1: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 3 5 7: | 0 512 [65589]
G-matrix 4 6 8: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 0 1 3: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 2 5 0: | 0 0 [65589]
| 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 3 5 6: G-matrix 4 6 7: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 0 1 2: | 0 0 [65589]
| 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 4 6 5: G-matrix 3 5 4: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 2 6 9: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 0 1 0: | 0 0 [65589]
| 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 3 5 3: G-matrix 4 6 4: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 0 2 8: | 0 384 [65589]
G-matrix 2 6 8: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 4 6 3: | 0 0 [65589]
G-matrix 3 5 2: | 144 0 [65589]
G-matrix 6 6 4: G-matrix 2 7 5: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 4 7 5: | 0 96 [66508]
G-matrix 3 7 8: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 6 6 3: G-matrix 2 7 4: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 4 7 4: G-matrix 3 7 6: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 2 7 3: G-matrix 6 6 2: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 3 7 5: G-matrix 4 7 3: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 2 7 2: G-matrix 6 6 1: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 3 7 4: G-matrix 4 7 2: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 6 6 0: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 4 7 1: G-matrix 3 7 3: | 0 90 [66508]
G-matrix 0 3 8: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 6 7 9: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 3 7 2: G-matrix 2 7 1: | 0 24 [66508]
G-matrix 0 3 7: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 2 7 0: G-matrix 4 7 0: | 0 56 [66508]
G-matrix 6 7 8: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 4 8 9: G-matrix 2 8 9: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 3 7 1: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 0 3 6: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 6 7 6: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 3 7 0: | 0 48 [66508]
G-matrix 4 8 7: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 0 3 5: | 0 0 [66508]
| 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 4 8 6: G-matrix 3 8 9: | 0 0 [66508]
G-matrix 6 7 5: | 0 0 [66508]
Reduced game:
Player-0 has the resulting strategies: 0
Player-1 has the resulting strategies: 0
Player-2 has the resulting strategies: 9
Player-3 has the resulting strategies: 9
Player-4 has the resulting strategies: 9
Player-5 has the resulting strategies: 0
Player-6 has the resulting strategies: 9
Player-7 has the resulting strategies: 2
lps.work; 47 constraints, 1 lp-variables 46 non-zero matrix elements
0: objval = 0.000000000e+00 infeas = 1.000000000e+00 (0)
1: objval = 5.596271411e+10 infeas = 0.000000000e+00 (1)
CE-Probability distribution
Lp-Variable(profile number): 1 1.00
0 0 9 9 9 0 9 2 52610260992 -5835 992797184 556932160 1150354176 -5835 157363072 495018304
Solution-profile: 29999
1 items in the stochastic profile
profile num: 29999 [ 0 0 9 9 9 0 9 2 ] 1.00
The CE-Solver results with a profile "[ 0 0 9 9 9 0 9 2 ]" where the players have outcomes "52610260992 -5835 992797184 556932160 1150354176 -5835 157363072 495018304". Probability of this profile is 1.00. If the resulting equilibrium is not in pure strategies, the program will display the computed mixed equilibrium (probability distribution on profiles).
We may see that in this particular example the 8-player game was reduced to a single profile, so all players have a strategy which strictly dominates the others.