Dynamic DEVS in Dynamic Language.
SmallDEVS is a new, lightweight implementation of B. Zeigler's DEVS (Discrete event systems specification) formalism in Smalltalk. It is an experimental software intended for research and education. It allows for experimenting with:
- prototype-based object-oriented model construction,
- interactive modeling and simulation,
- multisimulation and reflective simulation.
More details about SmallDEVS
- Basic SmallDEVS principles demonstrated by complete examples (models are constructed incrementally using scripts, without GUI):
- General information about the tool (with GUI):
- Videos demonstrating the GUI:
- Manuals
Examples (are included in SmallDEVS package, here are additional ones):
- Vladimir Janousek (SmallDEVS kernel, 2003-2007)
- Elod Kironsky (SmallDEVS GUI, 2005-2007)
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Vladimir Janousek
Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Elod Kironsky
[ developers wiki ] [ Other simulation tools: DEVS tools, Modeling and simulation tools. Other DEVS-related opensource projects ]

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