SqOS 0.1
Pre-release of alpha version. For developers and daredevils only. Inspiration for students work.
- Bootable from vfat partition (disk or usb-stick) using e.g. loadlin or syslinux.
- kernel assumes PS/2 mouse and VESA framebuffer
- Squeak vm + sources + image + changes are on vfat partition (possibly the same the SqOS has been booted form).
- SqOS looks for squeak in a vfat partition which contains an empty file named sqoshome in its root directory.
- Alternatively, it is direcly usable in Linux or windoze without booting SqOS
Contents of the vfat partition:
- squeak - a directory:
- squeak sources + image + changes - platform independent part of squeak
- squeakvm.lin - a directory:
- linux vm + plugins - vm usable by a linux seeing this partition or by SqOS
- squeakvm.win - a directory:
- windoze vm + plugins - vm usable by a windoze seeing this partition
- squeakos - a directory:
- sqosroot.gz - SqOS root (gzipped cpio archive)
- bzimage - linux 2.6.7 kernel (with initramfs enabled)
- loadlin.exe, start.bat
- sqoshome - an empty file indicating that this is the right partition to be used by SqOS
- scripts for starting squeak in various ways
How to use it (an example):
- In order to install SqOS, you need either windoze or linux box with some existing FAT partition or with a space for it. In the later case, make it. It is good to have at least 100MB free space at the partition.
- Make sure you can boot DOS with the FAT partition accessible. Use e.g. win98 or FreeDOS.
- Under Linux or windoze, unzip the SqOS.zip into the FAT partition.
- Boot DOS, launch sqstartdos.bat (this will start SqOS via loadlin)
- If OK, rename sqstartdos.bat to autoexec.bat. SqOS is successfully installed.
- Play with more sraightforward ways of booting (get rid of dos) - syslinux etc.
- Play with another configuration of linux kernel, ...
- Mail me your comments, improvements, suggestions, etc.
To do
- Clean up
- Modules + autoconfig (soundcards etc.) ?
- User authentication, session (image) management, ...?
- Squeak-side work: network configuration, ...
Inspiration came from:
- ByzantineOS
- Damn Small Linux
- SqueakOS

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