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Wil van der Aalst and Kees van Hee
Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems
MIT Press, 368 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-262-01189-1

Author(s): Hopcroft, John E. (John Edward)
Title Details: Introduction to automata theory, languages, and
computation / John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Edition: 2nd ed
Publisher: Boston ; London : Addison-Wesley, c2001
Physical Desc.: xiv, 521 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
ISBN/ISSN: 0201441241

Title Details: Computational modeling of genetic and biochemical
networks / edited by James M. Bower and Hamid Bolouri
Series: Computational molecular biology series
Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2001
Physical Desc.: xx, 336 p., [18] p. plates : ill.(some col.) ; 24 cm
ISBN/ISSN: 0262024810 (hbk)
Notes: "A Bradford book."

Author(s): Linz, Peter
Title Details: An introduction to formal languages and automata /
Peter Linz
Edition: 3rd ed
Publisher: Boston ; London : Jones and Bartlett, c2001
Physical Desc.: xi, 410p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN/ISSN: 0763714224

Title: Unifying Petri Nets, Advances in Petri Nets,
Editors: Hartmut Ehrig, Gabriel Juhas, Julia Padberg, Grzegorz Rozenberg
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Volume: LNCS 2128, 485 pp.
Price: EUR 49,-
ISBN: 3-540-43067-9

Computability and Logic
George Boolos, Richard C. Jeffrey, John Burgess $28
ISBN: 0521007585; 4th edition (March 2002)

Software Reliability Methods
Doron Peled $59
ISBN: 0387951067; (May 15, 2001)

The Deductive Foundations of Computer Programming : A One-Volume Version of
'the Logical Basis for Computer Programming'
Richard Waldinger, Zohar Manna $55.95
ISBN: 0201548860

edited by Bart Jacobs, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Arend Rensink, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-7683-8
February 2002 , 296 pp.
EUR 175.00 / USD 160.00 / GBP 111.00

Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
Modern Operating Systems, 2/e
Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Copyright 2001, 976 pp.
Cloth format
ISBN 0-13-031358-0
CENA: asi $90

Didier H. Besset
Object-Oriented Implementation of Numerical Methods: An Introduction with Java & Smalltalk
Morgan Kaufmann, Hardcover, Bk&CD edition, Published October 2000,
766 pages,
ISBN 1558606793
List Price: $57.95

Knuth D.
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set
Addison-Wesley Pub Co;
ISBN: 0201485419; 1st edition (October 1998)
List Price: $149.99

Solutions to Parallel and Distributed Computing Problems: Lessons from Biological Sciences
Albert Y. Zomaya, Fikret Ercal, Stephan Olariu
ISBN: 0-471-35352-3
288 Pages
October 2000
US $82.95

High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, Vol. 1
Rajkumar Buyya
Copyright: 1999
Format: Cloth, 881 pp.
ISBN: 0-13-013784-7
US $59.40

High Performance Cluster Computing: Programming and Applications, Volume 2
Rajkumar Buyya
Copyright: 2000
Format: Cloth, 664 pp.
ISBN: 0-13-013785-5
US $59.40

Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition
John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
760 pages
ISBN 1-55860-329-8

Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming
Gregory R. Andrews, University of Arizona
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Copyright: 2000
Format: Paper, 664 pp
ISBN: 0-201-35752-6
Status: Published 11/30/1999
Retail Price: $44.00 US

A Textbook of Graph Theory
Balakrishnan, R. and Ranganathan, K.
Our Price: $53.96
Hardcover, 280 pages
Pub. Date: 11/1/1999, Publisher: Springer-Verlag Telos
ISBN: 0387988599, Dimensions (inches): 9.59x6.34x0.69

Meduna, A.:
Automata and Languages - Theory and Applications
ISBN 1-85233-074-0, EUR 124,00

Mathematical Logic for Computer Science
M. Ben-Ari
ISBN 1-85233-319-7
cena: DM 79

Computational Line Geometry
H. Pottmann, J. Wallner
ISBN 3-540-42058-4
cena: DM 149 (hardcover)

Algebraic Graph Theory
C. Godsil, G.F.Royle
ISBN 0-387-95241
cena: DM 149

Introduction to Cryptography
J.A. Buchmann
ISBN 0-387-95034-6
cena: DM 80

The Resolution Calculus
A. Leitsch
ISBN 3-540-61882-1
cena: DM 58 / DM 29

Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications
Mark Guzdial
Our Price: $45.00
Paperback: 306 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130280283; 1st edition (December 19, 2000)

Squeak: Open Personal Computing and Multimedia
Kim Rose, Mark J. Guzdial, Kimberly M. Rose
Our Price: $45.00
Paperback: 528 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.80 x 9.16 x 7.08
Publisher: Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130280917; 1st edition (August 2, 2001)

Smalltalk with Style
Suzanne Skulics, Edward J. Klimas, David A. Thomas
Prentice Hall 1996,
IBSN 0-13-165549-3 (128 pages).

Nicolai M. Josuttis
C++ Standard Library, The: A Tutorial and Reference
Publisher: Addison Wesley
First Edition August 06, 1999
ISBN: 0-201-37926-0, 832 pages
List Price: $57.99

W. Richard Stevens
Advanced Programming In The Unix Environment.
Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1st edition (June 1992)
ISBN: 0201563177
List Price: $69.99

UNIX Power Tools
by Jerry D. Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides
Paperback - 1120 pages 2nd Bk&Cd edition (October 1997)
O'Reilly & Associates;
2. vydání, ISBN 1-56592-260-3
CENA: asi $50

TCP/IP illustrated, Vol1-The Protocols,
ISBN 0-201-63346-9
CENA $68

Autori: Michalewicz, Z.; Fogel, D.B.
Nazev: How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics
ISBN: ISBN 3-540-66061-5
Cena: 44,95 EUR
Provedeni: Hardcover

Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques
by Kevin Mullet, Darrell Sano
Paperback: 304 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 9.23 x 7.53
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN: 0133033899; 1 edition (December 5, 1994)

Operating System Concepts, 6th Edition
by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne
Our Price: $125.00
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471417432; 6th edition (June 26, 2001)

Design of the Unix Operating System
by Marice J. Bach, Maurice Bach
Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN: 0132017997; 1 edition (February 27, 1987)

Paun, Gheorghe, 1950-
Title Details: DNA computing : new computing paradigms / G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa
Series: Texts in theoretical computer science (an EATCS series)
Publisher: Berlin ; London : Springer, c1998
Physical Desc.: ix, 402p : ill ; 25cm
ISBN/ISSN: 3540641963 (acid-free paper)3540641963 (alk. paper)
Subject(s): Molecular computers
Language: English

Author(s): Bishop, Martin J.
Title Details: Guide to human genome computing / edited by Martin J. Bishop
Publisher: London : Academic, c1994
Physical Desc.: vii, 350p, spiral
ISBN/ISSN: 0121020509 (alk. paper)

Author(s): Parkes, Alan
Title Details: Introduction to languages, machines, and logic : computable languages, abstract machines, and formal logic / Alan P. Parkes
Publisher: London : Springer, c2002
Physical Desc.: xi, 351 p. : ill. ; 24 cm., pbk.
ISBN/ISSN: 1852334649

Author(s): Allen, Randy
Title Details: Optimizing compilers for modern architectures : a dependence-based approach / Randy Allen, Ken Kennedy
Publisher: San Francisco, Calif. : Morgan Kaufmann 2001
Physical Desc.: xxv, 790 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN/ISSN: 1558602860

Author(s): Grune, Dick
Title Details: Modern compiler design / Dick Grune ... [et al.]
Series: Worldwide series in computer science
Publisher: Chichester : John Wiley, 2000
Physical Desc.: xvii, 736 p : ill ; 23 cm, pbk. : alk. paper
ISBN/ISSN: 0471976970

Theory of Modeling and Simulation: Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems
by Bernard P. Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, Tag Gon Kim
List Price: $79.95
Our Price: $79.95
510 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.13 x 10.23 x 7.26
Publisher: Academic Press; ISBN: 0127784551; 2nd edition (January 2000)

Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems
by Michael R. A. Huth, Mark D. Ryan
List Price: $40.00 387 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.07 x 11.00 x 8.14
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 0521656028; 0 edition (November 1, 1999)

Modern Operating Systems (2nd Edition)
by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
List Price: $87.35
Our Price: $87.35
Hardcover: 976 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130313580; 2nd edition (February 28, 2001)

Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
by Maarten Van Steen, Andrew S. Tanenbaum
List Price: $79.00
Our Price: $79.00
Hardcover: 840 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.38 x 9.48 x 7.25
Publisher: Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0130888931; 1st edition (January 15, 2002)

Title: Database Systems Concepts with Oracle
Author(s): Silberschatz
Published: 2001

Title: Distributed Operating Systems & Algorithms
Author(s): Randy Cow
Published: 1997

Title: Concurrent Systems: Operating Systems, ...
Author(s): Jean Bacon
Published: 1997

Title: Linux Cluster Architecture
Author(s): Alex Vrenios
Published: 2002

Title: Maximum Linux Security
Sams Publishing

Title: Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of C

Title: Evolutionary Electronics: Automatic Design
Author(s): Marley Maria Bernard Vellasco
Published: 2000

Title: MPI The Complete Reference
Author(s): William Gropp
Published: 1998

Title: Parallel Programming in OpenMP
Author(s): Rohit Chandra
Published: 2000

Title: Parallel Programming with MPI
Author(s): Pater Pacheco
Published: 1996

Title: Estimation of Distributed Algorithms
Author(s): Pedro Larraanaga
Published: 2001

Title: Agent Technology: Foundations, Applications

Title: Developing Distributed and E-Commerce Applications
Author(s): Darrel Ince

Title: E-Commerce: Business. Tecnology.
Author(s): Kenneth C. Laudon
Published: 2002

Title: Intelligent Database Systems
Author(s): Elisa Bertino

Title: Multi-Agent Systems: An Introduction to
Author(s): Jacques Ferber
Published: 1999