Solved Problems
- Rozhodutelnost ekvivalence dvou deterministických zásobníkových automatů
- L(DetPDA1) = L(DetPDA2) ... rozhodnutelné
- Author: Senizergues (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 251 (2000) 1)
- Novější verze: Snizergues, G. (LaBRI & UFR Math-info, Bordeaux I Univ., Talence, France), L(A) = L(B)? a simplified decidability proof, Theoretical Computer Science , vol.281, no.1-2 , Page: 555-608
- Any two acyclic deterministic pure grammars that generate the same finite language are isomorphic.
- The form-equivalence problem for acyclic deterministic pure grammar forms is decidable.
- Author: Hagauer, J. (Inst. fur Informationsverarbeitung, Tech. Univ. Graz, Graz, Austria): On form-equivalence of deterministic pure grammar forms, Theoretical Computer Science , vol.18, no.1 , Page: 69-87 , April 1982
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- Tématické okruhy last edited on 13 December 2004 at 12:55 pm by cache.fit.vutbr.cz