IJE: Java 2008/2009
Exam 22.1.2009
- start the Netbeans environment
- prepare test class
- create the package ije.exam3 in the Netbeans folder Test Packages
- put the class CourseTest (see the file CourseTest.java) into the package ije.exam3 in the Netbeans folder Test Packages
- your work
- create the package ije.exam3 in the Netbeans folder Source Packages
- implement required classes into this package
- to check your implementation, run the class CourseTest
- 1.12.2008: LendTest.java
- 8.12.2008: Implement classes MyDictionary and MyWord in accordance to the interfaces Dictionary and Word, and test class DictionaryTest. The Word represents one correct word and its incorrect variants. The Dictionary is able to create the new word, to look for words and to correct passed incorrect words. To details see API of interfaces.
- Sources
- Example of solution
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- . last edited on 18 June 2012 at 11:23 am by localhost