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Squeak Networking
Designing Networked Applications
- Dumb Terminals (TN3270)
- Client-Server (WWW)
- Thin Client
- Fat Client
- Distributed Computation (Plan 9)
- Peer to Peer (Many LAN games)
- N-tiered (Business Apps) http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/mx/coldfusion/articles/ntier.html
- Distributed Objects (COM/CORBA)
Design for Performance
- Connection Pool
- Cache
- Client Design
- Replication
Give UI feedback for long requests.
Protocols ? How do we talk?
Typically we design on top of standard protocols: UDP, TCP, HTTP, etc.
Generally use sockets or other built-in mechanisms
May need lower-level access (serial ports etc.)
May use higher level protocols: RPC, COM, RMI, SOAP
Protocol Design
No matter what, we usually worry about 3 things:
- Connection
- Service
- Disconnection
Connection typically handled by lower-level protocol (establishing socket or web connection)
Disconnection tricky sometimes. Normal disconnect vs. system problem. (Heartbeats)
Service protocol requests = what we usually need to design the most.
Protocols vary widely based upon fundamental requirements.
Need to let other machine know:
- What kind of a message is this? (may use integer codes)
- What is body of message? (often character strings)
Typically we show design as Message Sequeance Charts.
State vs. Stateless Servers
- State: The server maintains information about what the client is trying
to do. Subsequent queries can leverage off previous information.
- Stateless: The server processes each request independently. No
information remains between queries. Good for error recovery.
Squeak Networking - Socket
- Socket Class - base for other specializations (FTP, HTTP, POP, SMTP)
- Socket initializeNetwork (set up networking on the machine)
- Socket tcpCreateIfFail: [block] (create an unconnected TCP socket)
- Socket udpCreateIfFail: [block] (create an unconnected UDP socket)
For clients:
- connectTo: hostaddr port: portnumber
- connectNonBlockingTo: hostAddress port: port
- followed by waitForConnectionUntil: timeout
For server:
- listenOn: portnumber (nonblocking!)
- waitForAcceptUntil: deadline (in ms)
Then just loop as long as socket is valid to get data.
[socket isConnected] whileTrue: [
socket dataAvailable ifTrue:
[n := socket receiveDataInto: buffer.
socket sendData: buffer count: n]].
In this case we are echoing the data back.
close (client)
waitForDisconnectionFor: deadline (client)
closeAndDestroy (server)
TCP/IP style network name lookup and translation facilities.
- NetNameResolver addressForName: 'st.cs.uiuc.edu'
- NetNameResolver nameForAddress: hostAddress timeout: secs
Socket examples
Client-server examples (TCP, UDP)
- See OldSocket examples!!!
(V souèasné verzi Squeaku koexistuje Socket a OldSocket. OldSocket vy¾aduje inicializaci, jinak je funkèní zhruba jako Socket, který je lépe implementován)
Socket examples
SocketStream example
finger: userName
"SocketStream finger: 'stp'"
| addr s |
addr _ NetNameResolver promptUserForHostAddress.
s _ SocketStream openConnectionToHost: addr port: 79. "finger port number"
Transcript show: '———- Connecting ———-'; cr.
s sendCommand: userName.
Transcript show: s getLine.
s close.
Transcript show: '———- Connection Closed ———-'; cr; endEntry.
Clients for common protocols
ProtocolClient subclases
ftp := FTPClient openOnHostNamed: 'st.cs.uiuc.edu'.
ftp loginUser: 'anonymous' password: 'janousek@fit.vutbr.cz'.
ftp changeDirectoryTo: 'pub/Smalltalk/Squeak'.
ftp pwd inspect.
ftp getFileList inspect.
ftp ascii. "nebo binary"
ftp getFileNamed: 'README' inspect.
"ftp deleteFileNamed: 'aaaaa'.
ftp renameFileNamed: 'aaa' to: 'bbb'.
ftp makeDirectory: 'ddddd'.
ftp deleteDirectory: 'ddddd'.
ftp putFileNamed: 'ffff' as: 'gggg'.
ftp putFileStreamContents: aStream as: 'aaaa' "
ftp closeDataSocket.
HTTP client
HTTPSocket does most of work:
s := HTTPSocket httpGet: 'http://www.fit.vutbr.cz' .
This returns a stream. A contents will give html page text.
See HTTPSocket class.
See also HTTPClient class.
HTTP client usage examples
HTTPSocket class>>httpFileInNewChangeSet: url
" HTTPSocket httpFileInNewChangeSet:
'' "
| doc |
doc _ self httpGet: url accept: 'application/octet-stream'.
doc class == String ifTrue: [self inform: 'Cannot seem to contact the web site'].
doc reset.
ChangeSorter newChangesFromStream: doc named: (url findTokens: '/') last.
HTTP client usage examples
HTTPSocket httpShowGif: 'http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif'
Squeak Web Services
- (Historie: PWS - Personal Web Server)
- Comanche (from SqueakMap)
- HttpView (from SqueakMap)
- SeaSide (from SqueakMap)
HttpService - a comanche service that listens for inbound HTTP connectinos on a given port.
Usage of Comanche (1)
- Create a subclass overriding the #processHttpRequest: method
(an HttpRequest is passed as the sole argument to this method).
The #processHttpRequest: method should always answer an instance of
an HttpResponse.
- Starting and stopping instances of this class will start and stop listening on
the given port number.
Socket initializeNetwork.
aHttpService := MyHttpService on: 8080 named: ''Example Http Service''
aHttpService start
aHttpService stop "neblokujici, asynchronní"
aHttpService waitForStop
aHttpService waitForStopUntil: deadline
aHttpService kill
Usage of Comanche (2)
You may also use instances of this class in a pluggable manner rather than subclassing (see examples below).
(HttpService on: 8080 named: ''Example Http Service'')
onRequestDispatch: #processRequest: to: SomeGlobal;
(HttpService on: 8080 named: ''Example Http Service'')
[ :httpRequest | SomeGlobal processRequest: httpRequest ];
Comanche modules
ModuleAssembly + ComancheModule subclasses - framework for building a hierarchy of modules (#addAssembly:, #addModule:, #addPlug:). Moduly provádìjí pre/postprocessing dotazu/odpovìdi nebo provádìjí kompletní zpracování dotazu. Pøíklady: logování, autentizace, souborový server (poskytuje klasické html stránky v souborech).
| ma |
ma _ ModuleAssembly core.
ma addPlug: [ :request | HttpResponse fromString: 'Hello World!!!'].
(HttpService startOn: 8080 named: 'Example') module: ma rootModule.
Comanche modules
| ma |
ma := ModuleAssembly core.
ma documentRoot: FileDirectory default fullName.
ma directoryIndex: 'index.html index.htm'.
ma serveFiles.
(HttpService startOn: 8080 named: 'Example') plug: ma rootModule
- Framework pro Web UI, modul pro Comanche (HttpService).
- Views (podtøídy HVHttpView) tvoøí hierarchii s vrcholem HVRootView (rootView).
- Dotaz se øe¹í instanciací View a voláním metody stejného jména, kdy¾ neexistuje, volá se #default.
- Metoda zpracuje aHttpRequest a vrátí objekt, který rozumí zprávì #asHttpResponseTo: (aString nebo aHVHtmlBuilder).
Výsledná odpovìï je pak vrácena serveru Comanche.
- View má model (doménový objekt), který se vytváøí pøi registraci slu¾by
a pøe¾ívá v¹echny dotazy (pozor na soubì¾ný pøístup).
- Prostøedky pro zpracování sezení a u¾ivatelské úèty
- Start: #startOn: port mode: #deployment
- automaticky se zaregistuje se do hierarchie (rootView) a nastartuje se
- debugging modes: #deployment | #debug | #verbose
HTTPView examples
HVHelloWorld start "nebo startOn: port"
ExternalUnixOSProcess command: 'mozilla http://localhost:8080'
ExternalUnixOSProcess command: 'mozilla http://localhost:8080/hello'
HVHelloWorld stop
HVSimpleForms start
ExternalUnixOSProcess command: 'mozilla http://localhost:8080/megaform1'
ExternalUnixOSProcess command: 'mozilla http://localhost:8080/megaform2'
ExternalUnixOSProcess command: 'mozilla http://localhost:8080/simplefield'
HVSimpleForms stopAll
HVFileDirectoryView start
HVFileDirectoryView stopAll
HVTodoListView start
HVTodoListView stop
Pozn: Model se vytváøí tøídní metodu #createModel, která se volá automaticky pøi startu
(zaøídí to metoda #startOn: zdìdìná od HVHttpView).
- Výkonný framework pro tvorbu webových aplikací
- Vysokoúrovòovìj¹í ne¾ servlety a HTTPView
- Implenetace pomocí kontinuací
- Vhodný pro velmi rozsáhlé aplikace
- Podpora pro debugging
- Pou¾ívá se v nejúspe¹nìj¹ích komerèních aplikacích Squeaku
- Existují i verze pro jiné dialekty Smalltalku
- Je na SqueakMap
- Více informací na
Seaside examples
WAKom startOn: 9090
WAKom stop
WADispatcher default entryPoints
WADispatcher default registerEntryPoint: ..... at: .....
WADispatcher default removeEntryPoint: .....
http://localhost:9090/seaside/screenshot (user/passwd = seaside/admin)
- Wiki-wiki web (pùvodnì v Perlu) = editovatelný web
- Swiki = Squeak Wiki
- Existují i jiné implementace, ale Swiki je Swiki ;-)
Remote Smalltalk
rST - vzdálená komunikace objektù (obdoba Javovského RMI)
Server side:
RSTBroker startOnPort: 9998 logging: false.
exportedOrderedCollection := OrderedCollection new.
RSTBroker instance export: exportedOrderedCollection named: 'myOrderedCollection'.
Client side:
remoteOrderedCollection :=
('myOrderedCollection@') asRemoteObjectID asLocalObject.
remoteOrderedCollection add: 'Hello, Remote Squeak World!'.
- a tiny ORB wrapper on SOAP, RMT
Server side:
OperaORB init: {{#port:. 9999}}.
OperaNamingService local at: #myOrderedCollection put: OrderedCollection new.
Client side:
namingService := OperaNamingService host: '' port: 9999.
remoteOrderedCollection := namingService at: #myOrderedCollection.
remoteOrderedCollection add: 'Hello, Remote Squeak World!'.
Colaborative multiuser environment - modified port of Kansas from Self
Start server in one image and client in another image on another machine ...
Distribuované multiu¾ivatelské prostøedí s 3-D GUI
Ve vývoji
a SketchMorph(1824)
a SketchMorph(3676)
Dotazy ?
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- loňská verze last edited on 15 February 2005 at 3:47 pm by libuse.fit.vutbr.cz